1. Best features of tableau and limitations of tableau. 
Ans: Best visualizations with less it cost, can connect to any database, no plug-in required and powerful in memory processing. Limitation : Only supports Windows and Mac. No support to Linux based systems.
2. what are the file size limitations with tableau 
Ans: Officially no limit, but we have observed best performance with 4GB of data and 278 columns.
3. what is the max file size u used in tableau.
 Ans: 4GB
4. how many max columns we can use in tableau.
 Ans: If you source is Access then 255.
5. what are the limitations of tableau based on size, number of calculations, 
Ans: No Limitation ,but suggested to work with extracts with max 4 GB.
6. have u ever used tableau to perform etl or any complex calculations 
Ans: Tableau is a Ajax based Java Scripting data Visualization tool and it cannot perform any ETL actions. Complex calculation : Using Parameter in calculations.
7. have u faced any problems with file size and number of columns which we use in tableau 
Ans: So far no as i have been working with limited data.
8. what is tableau architecture.
 Ans:. It is Client and Server based N-Tier Architecture. We build Tableau reports in using Tableau Desktop and Deploy them to Tableau Server. Tableau Server runs on 3 difference services Visual Server: This sends the queries to database and then coverts it to the visuals/Images you see in tableau. Database/Repository Server: This manages the connectivity and maintains the data extracts. Application Server: This handles the Authentication and Authorization.
9. what is tableau reader ?
Ans: Tableau reader is used to open the .twbx(Tableau packaged Workbook) files and it can only open the files and it cannot create new connections and workbooks.
10. What are there any data limitations with tableau public?
 Ans: Tableau Public can connect to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, and multiple text file formats. It has a limit of 1,000,000 rows of data that is allowed in any single file. Yes, your data on Tableau Public is now accessible on the world-wide web and is downloadable by anyone. We strongly suggest you only publish data you are willing to share with anyone.
11. how can u set permissions or protect the data in tableau public? 
Ans: We don't have any options for applying permissions to user in Tableau public. World wide web users will be able to access all files present in tableau public. No Security in public, so don't share any company confidential data.
12. if I delete a workbook from tableau public and there are links to other blogs and other web locations.. what happens to deem?
 Ans: Everything will be lost. Public is like a repository if you delete anything in public the links in blogs will show error " File does not exist".
13. did u work on real time reporting on tableau or u worked on back processing? 
A.ns:I think question is regarding executing the sql queries from back end or directly executing the queries in tableau desktop. My answer will be: worked on writing the sql queries in sql developer/Todd and executing them in tableau desktop.
14. what domain u worked on, when u worked for tableau.
 Ans: My answer will be Insurance domain and currently working on Month end Process.
Hope it helped you..
15.what is Tableau Desktop?
Ans: Tableau Desktop is a data visualization application that lets you analyze virtually any type of structured data and produce highly interactive, beautiful graphs, dashboards, and reports in just minutes. After a quick installation, you can connect to virtually any data source from spreadsheets to data warehouses and display information in multiple graphic perspectives. Designed to be easy to use, you’ll be working faster than ever before.
16.what is Tableau Server?
Ans:Tableau Server is a business intelligence solution that provides browser-based visual analytics anyone can use at just a fraction of the cost of typical BI software. With just a few clicks, you can publish or embed live, interactive graphs, dashboards and reports with current data automatically customized to the needs of everyone across your organization. It deploys in minutes and users can produce thousands of reports without the need of IT services — all within your IT infrastructure.
17.what is Tableau Online?
Ans:Tableau Online is  a hosted version of Tableau Server in the cloud. It’s the fastest way to get up and running with a complete business intelligence platform. We take care of the infrastructure, you share analytics. 
18.what is Tableau Public
Ans:Tableau Public is for anyone who wants to tell interactive data stories on the web. It’s delivered as a service so you can be up and running right now. You’ll be able to connect to data, create interactive data visualizations and publish them directly to your website. Guide readers through a narrative of data insights you’ve discovered. Let them interact with the data to make new discoveries. And do it all without writing a single line of code.
19.what is Tableau Reader?
Ans:Tableau Reader is a free desktop application that you can use to open and view visualizations built in Tableau Desktop you don’t need desktop license. With Tableau Reader you can share your insight with your audience and they will be able to open and interact with visualizations built with Tableau Desktop, data included. You can filter, sort, export, paging and drill-down and view details of the data as far as the author allows. But you won’t be able to edit or perform any interactions if the author hasn’t built it. All you need is 2G ram.

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